POST Pre-Game Quit
https://glz-{region}-1.{shard}{pre-game match id}/quit
Quit the pre-game lobby
X-Riot-ClientPlatform: {client platform}
X-Riot-ClientVersion: {client version}
X-Riot-Entitlements-JWT: {entitlement token}
Authorization: Bearer {auth token}
URL Parameters:
There are 6 regions:
Region ID Region Name na
North America latam
Latin America br
Brazil eu
Europe ap
Asia Pacific kr
Korea The region can be found in the ShooterGame log (
Obtaining remotely:%LocalAppData%\VALORANT\Saved\Logs\ShooterGame.log
) when it's used in an endpoint url.
Example regex capturing region and shard:https://glz-(.+?)-1.(.+?)
Use the Riot Geo endpoint with the ID and auth tokens from Cookie Reauth
{pre-game match id}
The match ID of the pre-game lobby. The ID of the pre-game lobby can be found from the Pre-Game Player endpoint.
Other Variables:
client platform
A string representing the platform of the client. Base-64 encoded JSON with the following fields:
{ "platformType": "PC", "platformOS": "Windows", "platformOSVersion": "10.0.19042.1.256.64bit", "platformChipset": "Unknown" }
is a value that works. -
client version
entitlement token
Can be obtained locally with the Entitlements Token endpoint or remotely using Riot auth and the Entitlement endpoint -
auth token
Can be obtained locally with the Entitlements Token endpoint or remotely by first using the Auth Cookies endpoint then using the cookies with the Auth Request endpoint