POST Party Decline
https://glz-{region}-1.{shard}{party id}/request/{request id}/decline
Decline a party invite request
X-Riot-ClientPlatform: {client platform}
X-Riot-ClientVersion: {client version}
X-Riot-Entitlements-JWT: {entitlement token}
Authorization: Bearer {auth token}
URL Parameters:
There are 6 regions:
Region ID Region Name na
North America latam
Latin America br
Brazil eu
Europe ap
Asia Pacific kr
Korea The region can be found in the ShooterGame log (
Obtaining remotely:%LocalAppData%\VALORANT\Saved\Logs\ShooterGame.log
) when it's used in an endpoint url.
Example regex capturing region and shard:https://glz-(.+?)-1.(.+?)
Use the Riot Geo endpoint with the ID and auth tokens from Cookie Reauth
{party id}
A party ID. The ID of the current party can be found from the Party Player endpoint. -
{request id}
The ID of the request to decline
Other Variables:
client platform
A string representing the platform of the client. Base-64 encoded JSON with the following fields:
{ "platformType": "PC", "platformOS": "Windows", "platformOSVersion": "10.0.19042.1.256.64bit", "platformChipset": "Unknown" }
is a value that works. -
client version
entitlement token
Can be obtained locally with the Entitlements Token endpoint or remotely using Riot auth and the Entitlement endpoint -
auth token
Can be obtained locally with the Entitlements Token endpoint or remotely by first using the Auth Cookies endpoint then using the cookies with the Auth Request endpoint
type PartyDeclineResponse = {
/** Party ID */
ID: string;
MUCName: string;
VoiceRoomID: string;
Version: number;
ClientVersion: string;
Members: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
CompetitiveTier: number;
PlayerIdentity: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
/** Card ID */
PlayerCardID: string;
/** Title ID */
PlayerTitleID: string;
AccountLevel: number;
/** Preferred Level Border ID */
PreferredLevelBorderID: string | "";
Incognito: boolean;
HideAccountLevel: boolean;
SeasonalBadgeInfo: null;
IsOwner?: boolean | undefined;
QueueEligibleRemainingAccountLevels: number;
Pings: {
Ping: number;
GamePodID: string;
IsReady: boolean;
IsModerator: boolean;
UseBroadcastHUD: boolean;
PlatformType: "PC";
State: string;
PreviousState: string;
StateTransitionReason: string;
Accessibility: "OPEN" | "CLOSED";
CustomGameData: {
Settings: {
/** Map ID */
Map: string;
/** Game Mode */
Mode: string;
UseBots: boolean;
GamePod: string;
GameRules: {
AllowGameModifiers?: string | undefined;
IsOvertimeWinByTwo?: string | undefined;
PlayOutAllRounds?: string | undefined;
SkipMatchHistory?: string | undefined;
TournamentMode?: string | undefined;
} | null;
Membership: {
teamOne: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
}[] | null;
teamTwo: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
}[] | null;
teamSpectate: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
}[] | null;
teamOneCoaches: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
}[] | null;
teamTwoCoaches: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
}[] | null;
MaxPartySize: number;
AutobalanceEnabled: boolean;
AutobalanceMinPlayers: number;
HasRecoveryData: boolean;
MatchmakingData: {
/** Queue ID */
QueueID: string;
PreferredGamePods: string[];
SkillDisparityRRPenalty: number;
Invites: null;
Requests: unknown[];
/** Date in ISO 8601 format */
QueueEntryTime: string;
ErrorNotification: {
ErrorType: string;
ErroredPlayers: {
/** Player UUID */
Subject: string;
}[] | null;
RestrictedSeconds: number;
EligibleQueues: string[];
QueueIneligibilities: string[];
CheatData: {
GamePodOverride: string;
ForcePostGameProcessing: boolean;
XPBonuses: unknown[];
/** Empty string when there is no invite code */
InviteCode: string;